Insights Ranking
Insights are machine generated analysis of your APIs over the course of a week or month and tells you the overall quality, latency information, cloud performance metrics and where and when you had outliers and failures over the period.
Insights are generated weekly (on a Sunday night) and monthly, on the 1st of the month. Insights generate a CASC score, a general API health metric and other data on the general health and performance of your APIs.
Calls MUST be scheduled through a weekend to get insights
In order to see Insights your APIs MUST have been scheduled to run through the weekend and at a high enough frequency for us to generate some meaningful analysis of the performance.
Insights Rank View
The Insights Report is a powerful tool for identifying patterns and issues with your APIs that may be too complex or buried too deep in the noise to find by simply inspecting the results.

- Ranking - APIs ranked by CASC score
- Pass Rate - the raw pass rate i.e. calls that have met a passing criteria as set by the tests you run NOTE: a 'pass' is not necessarily a HTTP200
- Effective Pass Rate - the passrate minus the outliers detected
- Error rate - the raw error rate of API calls in the period
- Outlier % - the percentage of calls identified as performance outliers
- Mean Latency - the overall mean latency of the calls across ALL agents
- CASC History - a running view of variations in quality
- CASC Score - clicking the score takes you to the detailed report or follow links to the API call definition or the stats for that API call
Updated over 4 years ago