Types of Data Available for Reporting
APImetrics provides a range of ways to review your results, analyze them and report them.
Key Concepts
APImetrics provides several levels of reporting for API performance. This includes the following:
- General pass/fail reports
- API level stats including detailed geographical analysis
- Latency analysis
Types of Data Available
All data is stored by call breakdown and percentile of the data.
Call breakdowns stored are:
- DNS look up time
- TCP connect time
- HTTPS handshake time
- Upload time
- Processing time
- Download Time
- Total Time
- Time to first byte
Data can be displayed in the following ways:
- Pass fail graphs
- Latency graphs
- Latency histograms
- Heatmaps showing either a time period or a cummulative time period
- Return packet size graphs
- Maps showing latency by geography
Updated over 4 years ago