Workflow Object

Description of the JSON for a Workflow.

Workflows are a list of API Calls that are called one after the other. This object defines how they are configured.

metaSee belowY
accessSee belowN
workflowSee belowY

Section: meta

nameName of call, for your referenceYes
descriptionDescription of call, for your referenceNo
tagsList of tags for the call, for your referenceNo
ownerThe ID of the Call OwnerNo - read-only

Section: access

publicIs the workflow shared with the APImetrics community?N
orgIs the workflow shared with your Organization?N

Section: workflow

call_idsList of API Call IDs in the order you want them calledN
stop_on_failureShould the workflow stop if we get an error response from one of the APIs?N
handle_cookiesShould cookies be handled and passed between API calls?N