Result Object

Description of the JSON for a Result.

The Result object contains the request to an endpoint, the response from the endpoint, and the timing meta-data. The list APIs only return the meta-data, to view the request or response data, you need to get the individual Result object.

  "timing": {
    "handshake": 0.0, 
    "total": 30.269, 
    "dns": 4.249, 
    "download": 18.945, 
    "processing": 0.016, 
    "upload": 0.034, 
    "tcp": 7.025
  "meta": {
    "result_category": "PASS", 
    "domain": "", 
    "url": "", 
    "source_ip": "", 
    "request_size": 27, 
    "call_id": "ag9zfmFwaW1ldHJpY3MtcWNyEwsSClRlc3RTZXR1cDIYofqRDAw", 
    "result": "COMPLETE", 
    "response_size": 746, 
    "http_code": 200, 
    "location_id": "public_qcawsuswest", 
    "id": "ag9zfmFwaW1ldHJpY3MtcWNyGAsSC1Rlc3RSZXN1bHQzGICAwPbMrdEIDA", 
    "dest_ip": ""
  "request": {
    "url": "", 
    "headers": [
        "value": "k2=v2; k1=v1", 
        "key": "Cookie"
        "value": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 
        "key": "Content-Type"
        "value": "application/json", 
        "key": "Accept"
        "value": "APImetrics/0.9.1 PycURL/ libcurl/7.58.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1 zlib/1.2.11 libidn2/2.0.4 libpsl/0.19.1 (+libidn2/2.0.4) nghttp2/1.30.0 librtmp/2.3", 
        "key": "User-Agent"
    "method": "POST"
  "response": {
    "url": "", 
    "headers": [
        "value": "gunicorn/19.7.1", 
        "key": "Server"
        "value": "Sat, 22 Aug 2020 00:03:41 GMT", 
        "key": "Date"
        "value": "application/json", 
        "key": "Content-Type"
        "value": "*", 
        "key": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
        "value": "true", 
        "key": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"
        "value": "746", 
        "key": "Content-Length"
        "value": "1.1 google", 
        "key": "Via"
    "status_string": "OK", 
    "status_code": 200
  "id": "ag9zfmFwaW1ldHJpY3MtcWNyGAsSC1Rlc3RSZXN1bHQzGICAwPbMrdEIDA"
idThe Result ID
requestRequest data(Not in list APIs)
responseResponse data(Not in list APIs)
timingTiming data

Section: meta

dest_ipThe IP address of the endpoint called35.190.18.183
domainThe domain of the
http_codeThe HTTP code of the response200
location_idThe ID of the agent that made the requestpublic_awsuseast2
request_sizeSize of the request in bytes72
response_sizeSize of the response in bytes248
resultThe specific reason this API call is marked as a pass or a failure. COMPLETE is a pass.COMPLETE
... etc
result_categoryWhether the API call succeededPASS, FAIL, WARNING
source_ipThe local IP address of our agent172.31.16.88
urlThe URL of the request

Section: timing

totalThe total time it took to make the API callTime in milliseconds
dnsThe time to look up the IP address using DNSTime in milliseconds
tcpThe time to make a TCP connectionTime in milliseconds
handshakeThe time to make the SSL handshake (if needed)Time in milliseconds
uploadThe time between the first byte and the last byte sent to the endpointTime in milliseconds
processingThe time between the last byte being sent to the endpoint, and the first byte received back in response. Sometimes known as Time to First Byte.Time in milliseconds
downloadThe time it took to receive the full response.Time in milliseconds

Section: request

methodThe HTTP method usede.g. GET, POST, etc
urlThe URL requestede.g.
headersThe HTTP headers sentAn array of dictionaries with key and value for each header

Section: response

status_codeThe HTTP status code of the responsee.g. 200
status_stringThe HTTP status string, if anye.g. OK
urlThe final URL requested (may be different if redirects were followed)e.g.
headersThe HTTP headers receivedAn array of dictionaries with key and value for each header