Statistic Object

Description of the JSON for a Statistic.

Statistics are generated each time an API Call is made, per call per location. Aggregated statistics are also generated for the hour, day, week, month and year (all based on UTC).

  "meta": {
    "kind": "MONTH", 
    "call_id": "agxkZXZ-dmlhdGVzdHNyFwsSClRlc3RTZXR1cDIYgICAgKDDxwgM", 
    "type": "ALL", 
    "time": "2015-10-01T00:00:00Z", 
    "location_id": "", 
    "name": "API test name"
  "stat": {
    "avg_latency": 383.5, 
    "max_latency": 749, 
    "time": "2015-10-01T00:00:00Z", 
    "count": 20

Data available for all results:

timeDateTimeNormalized time for the period requested.
countIntegerThe number of API calls made in the specified period.
max_latencyIntegerThe slowest API Call made in the specified period in ms.
avg_latencyFloatThe average latency for the API Calls for the specified period.

Extra data is available for results that passed (i.e. when type is set to COMPLETE).

timeDateTimeNormalized time for the period requested.
countIntegerThe number of API Calls made in the specified period.
max_latencyIntegerThe slowest API Call made in the specified period in ms.
min_latencyIntegerThe fastest API Call made in the specified period in ms.
avg_latencyFloatThe average latency for the API Calls for the specified period.
standard_deviationFloatThe standard deviation of API Call latencies for the specified period.
skewnessFloatThe skewness of API Call latencies for the specified period.

Data that is available when requesting raw data, i.e. kind = RAW.

timeDateTimeThe time that the API Call was made.
latencyIntegerThe length of time, in ms, that the API Call took to make.
http_codeIntegerThe HTTP response code returned.
content_lengthIntegerThe size, in bytes, of the response.