Authentication Object

Description of the JSON for an Authentication Setting.

Authentication Settings define the requirements to successfully make an API Call, for example, OAuth Settings.

      "keys": {
        "client_secret": null, 
        "client_id": null
      "meta": {
        "domain": "", 
        "description": null, 
        "created": "2015-09-14T23:19:52.888168Z", 
        "documentation": {
          "keys": null, 
          "docs": null, 
          "apps": null, 
          "provider": null
        "last_update": "2015-09-14T23:19:52.888175Z", 
        "owner": "agxkZXZ-dmlhdGVzdHNyEQsSBFVzZXIYgICAgICAgAoM", 
        "tags": [], 
        "name": "Minimal Auth Settings name"
      "id": "agxkZXZ-dmlhdGVzdHNyGgsSDVNlcnZpY2VDb25maWcYgICAgKDdjQgM", 
      "settings": {
        "auth_type": "NONE", 
        "custom_variables": {}
metaSee section belowYes
settingsSee section belowYes
keysSee section belowNo

Section: meta

nameName for your referenceYes
tagsList of tags for your referenceNo
descriptionDescription for your referenceNo
ownerID of ownerNo - read-only
domainThe hostname for URLs that use this authenticationNo
documentationSee belowNo

Section: meta.documentation

keysLink to developer keys page for siteNo
docsLink to developer docs for siteNo
appsLink to developer app creation page for siteNo
providerLink to homepage for siteNo

Section: settings

auth_typeKind of authentication, one of:
custom_variablesDictionary of custom variables for use in API callsNo
...Other keys may be added depending on the Authentication Type.No
  "access": {
    "keys": false, 
    "org_keys": false, 
    "org_settings": false, 
    "settings": false
  "keys": {
    "client_secret": null, 
    "client_id": null
  "meta": {
    "domain": "", 
    "description": null, 
    "documentation": {
      "keys": null, 
      "docs": null, 
      "apps": null, 
      "provider": null
    "owner": "agxkZXZ-dmlhdGVzdHNyEQsSBFVzZXIYgICAgICAgAoM", 
    "tags": [], 
    "name": "Auth Settings update"
  "settings": {
    "auth_type": "OAUTH2_JWT", 
    "authorize_url": "", 
    "custom_variables": {}