Release Notes - 29th of February 2024
What's New?
Organisation Level Certification Management
Have a MTLS certificate that you use in different projects? APImetrics has now added a new Configuration page in Organization Settings to allow you to upload your certificates here and use them globally across your Organization rather than individually in each Project. This will improve efficiency when needing to add new certificates or updating expiring certificates. As a note, all existing certificates will be migrated here so no need to worry about moving your certificates, it's done for you.

Update to APImetrics API to Allow for New Calls
The APImetrics API has been updated to allow for new calls to be used that returns useful information to the user. For more information on how to use APImetrics API, follow the link here. These three new calls are defined below.
Report Monthly Project Data
This call can be invoked by using GET<iso8601-date>
, replacing <iso8601-date>
with the desired date in the ISO 8601 date format. This must also include an Apimetrics-Project-Id
header with your desired project ID. This will return the following JSON response:
"meta": {
"report_type": "project_monthly",
"version": 1,
"project_id": string,
"month": iso8601-date-string,
"created_at": iso8601-timestamp
"data": [
"day": iso8601-date-string,
"test_id": string,
"url": string,
"pass_count": number,
"slow_count": number,
"warn_count": number,
"fail_count": number,
"total": number,
"avg_server_time": number,
"sum_server_time": number
Report Slow Calls per Day
This call can be invoked by using GET{org_id}/analytics/slow-calls-daily?start_date=<iso8601-date>&end_date=<iso8601-date>
, replacing {org_id}
with your desired organization ID and <iso8601-date>
with the desired start and end date in the ISO 8601 date format. This will return the following JSON response:
"meta": {
"report_type": "slow_calls_daily",
"version": 1,
"start_date": iso8601-date-string,
"end_date": iso8601-date-string,
"created_at": iso8601-timestamp
"data": [
"day": iso8601-date-string,
"project_id": string,
"pass_count": number,
"slow700_count": number,
"slow800_count": number,
"slow900_count": number,
"slow1000_count": number,
"slow2000_count": number,
"warn_count": number,
"fail_count": number,
"total": number
Report Slow Calls per Month
This call can be invoked by using GET{org_id}/analytics/slow-calls-monthly?start_date=<iso8601-date>
, replacing {org_id
with your desired organization ID and<iso8601-date>
with the desired date (the day will be ignored and only use the month) in the ISO 8601 date format. This will return the following JSON response:
"meta": {
"report_type": "slow_calls_monthly",
"version": 1,
"start_date": iso8601-date-string,
"end_date": iso8601-date-string,
"created_at": iso8601-timestamp
"data": [
"month": iso8601-date-string,
"project_id": string,
"test_id": string,
"url": string,
"pass_count": number,
"slow700_count": number,
"slow800_count": number,
"slow900_count": number,
"slow1000_count": number,
"slow2000_count": number,
"warn_count": number,
"fail_count": number,
"total": number
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Improved load times in the UK and Azure agent downtime. An issue with access tokens not properly saving is now fixed. Audit log now logs downtime event such as deletion and currently active and the downtime period now starts even when schedule is unused. Finally, downtimes now have locales, these are set for timezones in winter, which means that DST will be now respected.